Ten Steps to Determining the Return on Your Training Investment (10 worksheets)

Ten Steps to Determining the Return on Your Training Investment (10 worksheets)

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Ready-to-complete worksheets to plan training, so you'll get the performance you planned and have a place to track return on investment.

What will you say when someone asks you to justify the money being spent on training employees? You'll say "I'm using this step-by-step guide with easy to write in cost and planned return boxes."

The TEN STEPS worksheet will give you the answers to these questions:

  • How do we determine that training is needed?

  • How do we design and then deliver the training?

  • What will the cost of training be per person?

  • Will this training cost money or make money for us?

  • How can we tell if the learners apply what they learned?

  • How can we tell if they even learn anything?

  • What are the four levels of evaluation?

  • How can we plan what to actually measure?

  • What will our return be?